T6 aluminij, monocoque konstrukcija, new school oblika, aksialni pomik glave, 60 cm razpon , debelina cevi 29mm, udoben grip, zaklep končnika z dvema pinoma.


  • 140 – 200 cm
  • 160 – 220 cm
  • 180 – 240 cm



Trpežen, udoben in tog.

T8 aluminij, monocoque konstrukcija,

new school oblika,

aksialni pomik glave, 60 cm razpon dolžine,

debelina cevi 29mm, udoben grip,

zaklep končnika z dvema pinoma.


  • 138 – 195 cm
  • 150 – 210 cm
  • 165 – 225 cm
  • 180 – 240 cm



Lok za tiste, ki si želijo togosti T8 aluminija, a jim serija MONO pomeni prevelik finančni zalogaj.

T8 aluminij, monoQ glava,

double pin zaklep končnika,

premer cevi 29 mm, posi grip, aksialni pomik glave loka.


  • 138 – 195 cm
  • 150 – 210 cm
  • 165 – 225 cm



Tretji lok iz serije T8 je prava izbira za tiste, ki iščejo udobje. Ima vse značilnosti modela T8 PRO LINE, poleg tega pa ima različno debelino cevi (32 – 26,5 – 29 mm) in tako združuje udobje in togost loka. Najdebelejši del je ob glavi loka, sledi najtanjši del, nato pa se cev odebeli na debelino 29 milimetrov.


  • 138 – 180 cm
  • 150 – 200 cm



Klasična oblika, združena z monocoque tehnologijo in uporabo najbolj kakovostnega ergal aluminija (ekstrudirana zlitina brez spojev). Ergal PRO je odlična kombinacija togosti in majhne teže, poleg tega pa ima lok aksialni pomik glave, 29mm premer cevi, izjemno togo glavo loka, in double pin zaklep končnika.


  • 138 – 195 cm
  • 150 – 210 cm
  • 165 – 225 cm



Jason’s signature line now comes with a Quad fin set up.

For those who are addicted to the feeling on those big days when things get a bit scary. “When you find yourself staring along the wave towards a mast high lip and your board is on fire, you’re travelling so quick, the lip walls up in front and there’s only one thing you can do, line it up, pray to god your rails and fins are going to hold in the wave face and head for it full power. You’re flying so high and you land with such force that only a Polakow Quad has the control and stability to bring you back to earth in one piece!! It’s such an insane feeling… “



Jason’s signature line now comes with a Quad fin set up.

For those who are addicted to the feeling on those big days when things get a bit scary. “When you find yourself staring along the wave towards a mast high lip and your board is on fire, you’re travelling so quick, the lip walls up in front and there’s only one thing you can do, line it up, pray to god your rails and fins are going to hold in the wave face and head for it full power. You’re flying so high and you land with such force that only a Polakow Quad has the control and stability to bring you back to earth in one piece!! It’s such an insane feeling… “



Jason’s signature line now comes with a Quad fin set up.

For those who are addicted to the feeling on those big days when things get a bit scary. “When you find yourself staring along the wave towards a mast high lip and your board is on fire, you’re travelling so quick, the lip walls up in front and there’s only one thing you can do, line it up, pray to god your rails and fins are going to hold in the wave face and head for it full power. You’re flying so high and you land with such force that only a Polakow Quad has the control and stability to bring you back to earth in one piece!! It’s such an insane feeling… “



Jason’s signature line now comes with a Quad fin set up.

For those who are addicted to the feeling on those big days when things get a bit scary. “When you find yourself staring along the wave towards a mast high lip and your board is on fire, you’re travelling so quick, the lip walls up in front and there’s only one thing you can do, line it up, pray to god your rails and fins are going to hold in the wave face and head for it full power. You’re flying so high and you land with such force that only a Polakow Quad has the control and stability to bring you back to earth in one piece!! It’s such an insane feeling… “
